
Felix Njawala reflects on UTM’s origins and future at Masintha Ground Rally

By Burnett Munthali

*Masintha Ground* – Felix Njawala, speaking at a recent rally, emphasized the historical significance of Masintha Ground as the birthplace of the United Transformation Movement (UTM) and honored the legacy of Dr. Saulos Chilima. Despite the recent tragic loss of Chilima, Njawala assured the crowd that UTM remains strong and committed to its mission.

Njawala recalled a poignant quote from Dr. Saulos Chilima: “Mbewa ya pa mpani simaopa moto” (A mouse in the forest fears no fire), reflecting Chilima’s fearless approach to leadership. He also highlighted Chilima’s advice to remain undaunted in the face of challenges, stating, “Do not fear when you are at war.” This message of courage and resilience resonated throughout the rally.

Njawala at the UTM rally

The UTM campaign director addressed the consequences of governmental dissatisfaction, noting that “When people are unhappy with government, that government loses elections.” He further emphasized that when the cost of living becomes burdensome, it typically results in electoral defeat for the ruling party.

Njawala also referenced recent advice from Bishop Mtumbuka, who urged the youth to engage more actively in politics and shed their fears. “Bishop Mtumbuka recently advised the youth to take part in politics and stop being cowards,” Njawala said, encouraging young people to play a more significant role in shaping the nation’s future.

Looking ahead, Njawala assured the audience that UTM will be on the ballot in 2025. He invoked another of Dr. Chilima’s proverbs, “Nkhuku ya ana siitopa ndi kukuza” (A hen raised by children does not fear a rooster), to inspire perseverance and dedication.

Preaching unity, Njawala concluded with the proverb, “Gule obvina mmatope satulutsa fumbi” (A dancer who dances in mud does not shake off dust), emphasizing the importance of working together despite challenges. He expressed gratitude to the attendees for their support and urged all Malawians to make their voices heard in the September 2025 elections by voting for the right leader.

The rally at Masintha Ground was a powerful reminder of UTM’s origins and a call to action for the future.


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