
Lightning kills 2 in Mulanje

By Chisomo Phiri

In Mulanje, two people have died after being struck by lightning at Wasi village in the area of Traditional Authority(T/A) Mabuka.

The victims have been identified as Grace Matabwa, aged 22, and Anderson Matabwa, aged 20, both from the same family.

According to Mulanje police public relations officer Innocent Moses, the two siblings were at their parents’ house when heavy rains accompanied by lightning were pouring in the area.

He said Grace was in the kitchen, while her brother, Anderson, was on the verandah when they were unexpectedly struck by lightning.

Mulanje District Hospital determined that the cause of their deaths was electrocution resulting from the lightning strike.

Meanwhile, Police in the district are advising the general public to follow all preventive measures during this rainy season to avoid accidents which occur as a result of rainfall.


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