
Mtambo Plucks Unity Leaf-quashes politics of division

By Sylvester Chibwana

Former minister of Civic Education and National Unity, Timothy Pagonachi Simbega Mtambo has appealed for Malawians to embrace unity in the national development strata.
The renowned human rights defender and fast-paced Citizens for Transformation People Power Movement Commander-in-Chief made the urgent call at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources Bunda campus on Easter Saturday night, April 8, 2023 during Mr. and Ms. LUANAR pageant.
Said Mtambo, “…mine is a call for generational unity of purpose for the country’s economic and industrial advancement”.

He further made a humble appeal for the youth to refrain from any act of political violence on a cheap altar of uncivilised politics and embrace modern styles of politicking.
Said the 38-year old orator, “As young people, we should not be instruments of violence, neither should we be satisfied with short-lived socio-economic gains, be T-Shirts or financial incentives floated to us from selfish political fabric”.
The flamboyant ex-minister reminded the gathering the need for oneness in the process of developing Malawi stressing that university students possess a key unification role to play for realisation of a better Malawi

Mtambo absorbing in the contest deliberations

“Universities are strategic institutions for transformation of any country. You are therefore agents to innovate a new Malawi. I therefore call for collaborative efforts to build a better and transformed Malawi for there shall no longer be another Malawi. This is our country and indeed Malawi is our heritage. We must all be involved in building her. We must all stand on our generational civic duty guided by the principle premised on the belief that destiny must be written by us and not for us” lectured the Commander in Chief who happens to be former Chancellor College Students Union Speaker.
In his concluding remarks, Mtambo said, “Let us not allow political affiliations, tribe, religion or region divide us because the generational cause gives us all equal footing than the mentioned socio-economic cults”
Some senior Citizens for Transformation leaders flanked Mtambo. These included CFT national publicity secretary, Chimwemwe Maunde.
“Cholapitsa” star Phyzix, Don Tarz, Same Cris and Zonke spiced the event with their mature music chemistry.

Mtambo breathing fire

Eric Mkandawire, a second-year bachelor of agribusiness management student and Catherine Mpoza, a third-year bachelor of agri-economics student were crowned as Mr. LUANAR and Ms. LUANAR respectively. Welcome Joseph and Racheal Huwa emerged the First Prince and First Princess respectively. Peter Mwantobwe and Zaithwa emerged the Second Prince and Second Princess respectively. Five male students and five female students competed in the pageant.
Some of the corporate organisations that supported the function included Spark 10, FPAM, Metfie and Chilco.

Mtambo congratulating the winners

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