
DPP Central Region Mega Rally held in Kasungu

By Burnett Munthali

On Sunday afternoon, 29 September 2024, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held a significant rally in Kasungu District, led by the party’s Vice President for the Central Region, Hon. Alfred Gangata. The rally, which attracted a large crowd, was attended by regional committee members and key figures from the National Governing Council (NGC), signaling the party’s robust efforts to consolidate its political base ahead of the 2025 elections.

Held in the heart of the Central Region, the rally demonstrated the DPP’s strategic focus on engaging its grassroots supporters and reinvigorating party structures. Hon. Gangata used the platform to rally support for the DPP and highlight the party’s readiness to reclaim power in the upcoming elections.

Addressing the crowd, Hon. Alfred Gangata emphasized the importance of unity within the party ranks. He reiterated that the DPP is the only political force capable of restoring economic stability and prosperity to Malawi, citing the party’s track record in government as a testament to its commitment to national development.

“This rally is a symbol of our unity and strength as a party,” Gangata told the gathering. “We must stand together, united in our vision to bring back the dignity of Malawians, which has been lost under the current administration. The DPP has always been a party for the people, and we will continue to fight for your future.”

He also praised the dedication of party members, particularly the regional and district committees, for their hard work in mobilizing supporters across the Central Region. Gangata called on the people of Kasungu to maintain their trust in the DPP, promising that the party has the solutions to the country’s current economic and social challenges.

The rally featured speeches from several other NGC members, all of whom echoed Gangata’s message of economic revival. Speakers emphasized the need for a return to DPP policies, which they claimed had brought economic growth, improved infrastructure, and strengthened public services during their time in power.

They criticized the current administration under President Lazarus Chakwera for failing to deliver on its promises, leading to rising poverty, unemployment, and inflation. The speakers called on the people of Kasungu to reject the failures of the current government and vote for change in 2025.

“We are here to remind you that the DPP has always prioritized the welfare of Malawians. Under our leadership, we built roads, schools, and hospitals. But today, we see no progress. The economy is suffering, and the people are suffering. The time for change is now,” one NGC member declared.

A major theme of the rally was the engagement of youth and women. Hon. Gangata emphasized that the DPP would prioritize youth empowerment and women’s participation in the country’s political and economic spheres. He pledged that under a future DPP government, policies would be introduced to create jobs for the youth and ensure greater access to education and skills development programs.

“We cannot talk about development without talking about our youth and women. They are the backbone of this country, and we will make sure that they are given the opportunities they deserve,” Gangata said.

In his closing remarks, Hon. Gangata also urged DPP members to continue strengthening the party’s grassroots structures. He announced that the party would soon embark on a nationwide campaign to engage local communities, build new alliances, and recruit more members to the DPP fold.

“Every member here today must go back to their communities and spread the message of the DPP. We are the party of the people, and we need to grow stronger each day. Together, we will win in 2025,” Gangata concluded.

The Kasungu rally marked a significant moment in the DPP’s efforts to regain political momentum. With the 2025 elections on the horizon, the party is ramping up its outreach across the Central Region and beyond, positioning itself as the main alternative to the current government.

As the rally came to an end, the atmosphere was charged with optimism and determination, with party supporters chanting DPP slogans and pledging their loyalty to the party’s leadership. It was clear that the DPP’s central region supporters are ready to campaign vigorously for a DPP victory in the next election.

The DPP Central Region Mega Rally in Kasungu underscored the party’s determination to reconnect with its base and strengthen its political presence ahead of the 2025 elections. Led by Hon. Alfred Gangata, the party presented itself as the solution to the country’s economic challenges, calling on the people of Kasungu and Malawi at large to rally behind the DPP for a brighter future.


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