Thyolo Central Legislator Ben Phiri donates to Cyclone Victims

By Wanga Botomani
The Member of Parliament for Thyolo Central Hon Ben Malunga Phiri has responded to the plight of his constituents who have been affected by cyclone Ana by donating items in the area.
In a statement from the legislator, Following the devastating effects of Tropical Cylone Ana which has caused loss of lives, displacement of people and destitution, destruction of homes and effectively homelessness in many parts of the country including Thyolo, he reached out to several organizations to give humanitarian assistance.

One Organisation called Faizan Global Relief foundation responded to the plight of people of Thyolo Central Constituency.
On Saturday 29th January 2022, the member of Parliament and representatives from Faizan Global Relief Organisation reached out to 350 affected families in the area of Senior Chief Nchiramwera with a package of various food and non-food relief items.
Speaking at the event Hon Ben Phiri said as a representative of the people in the area and on their behalf, he would like to send deepest graditude to the Faizan Global Relief Foundation for this timely intervention.
“I continue to call upon members of the business community, faith groups, charities and any other people and groups of good will, in and outside Thyolo to assist us in any way they can. Every little, helps!” Said Phiri

Those that want to donate to the area are urged to send email us via
Cyclone Ana has caused damage in some African countries with Malawi included