
Media is advancing wrong narrative on Simplex Chithyola and Ken Zikhale Ng’oma

By Senior Business analyst

On 12 July, 2024, media carried a story which screamed two cabinet Ministers splashes K76Million to delegates.

I will not Labour myself to discuss into details about the article which I can comfortably describe as laughable.


This newspaper has launched the dirty and wrong campaign to wrong people.

May be let me request this reporter to use his investigative journalism (IJ) skills to find out net worth of Hon Chithyola and Zikhale Ng’oma.

Through the investigations the reporter will find out that the two Ministers got their fortunes even before joining mainstream politics and them spending is always in their DNA.

Case study shows Hon Zikhale Ng’oma as we speak has already sold 15, 000 bags of maize while Hon Simplex Chithyola has already sold over 500 bails of Tobacco,  how much is this money.

Dr Ken Zikhale Ng’oma

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