
President Chakwera assures market vendor of steady income

By Evance Chisiano

President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has assured market vendors in Limbe of steady economy as Malawi is undergoing good progress in economic recovery following donor support and other economic reforms.

The president made the assurance at Limbe Market in Blantyre on Wednesday during a stopover on his way from Bangwe Sub Police Station where he handed over 20 houses to Malawi Police Service meant for junior and senior police officers.

The president’s assurance came after the vendors, through their leadership, asked government to continue providing loans through the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) to boost their business.

“l know you are going through economic hardships but this will pass,” the president said while assuring the vendors that government is heading towards economic recovery through various ways and means in agricultural and other sectors.

He said food insecurity is widespread due to unfavourable climate factors such as tropical Cyclone Freddy which heavily affected the agricultural sector.

He added that there is hope of recovery as Admarc has opened up several markets countrywide to allow citizens buy maize.

The President, however, condemned “some people” that buy maize in larger quantities to sell at the expense of those that want to buy it for survival.

Limbe Market Vendors Chairperson, Alfred Ching’anda asked the president for an audience to discuss issues that affect market vendors citing difficulties in accessing NEEF loans and other unfavourable business environment which impact their livelihood.

He told the president that some vendors were failing to get NEEF loans even after completing repayment of previous loans.

During the tour of Blantyre, Chakwera visited Zingwangawa Admarc and was impressed that Admarc was open.


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