MZUNI reopens on October 23

By Chisomo Phiri
Mzuzu University(MZUNI) management has announced that the university will reopen on Monday October 23,2023 following a resolution at the university’s 199th extraordinary meeting.
The university was closed on September 21, 2023 following demonstrations that the students held against what they described as an unfair fees hike in the middle of an academic year.

The university registrar, Yonamu Ngwira, says in a statement that returning students must commit to observing the rule of law and discipline and pay revised fees, which the students demonstrated against, leading to the university’s closure.
According to Ngwira, now, face-to-face students will pay K650,000 from K400,000, upgrading from K450, 000 to K800,000 per academic year, and ODeL from K350,000 to K600,000 per academic year.