St Leonard Kamungu of Anglican Church visits Tete Province in Mozambique

By Linda Kwanjana
The story that we would like to hear. Malawi and Mozambique relationship continue growing each passing day. This is manifested with over growing numbers of exchange visits by people from the two countries.
These visits have both short , medium and long term economic gains. The exchange visits have major effects of improving trade , tourism, manufacturing, agriculture and security of the people from the two countries.
Just a few days ago a delegation from St Leonard Kamungu Parish of the Southern Lake Malawi Diocese, visited the province from 8 to 11 September, 2023.
Consulate of Malawi in Tete received the delegation and the purpose of the visit was to explore the possibility of striking a relationship between the Igleja Anglicana Epifania Parish in Tete, Mozambique and their parish. The Epifania Parish was recently elevated to a Cathedral, the possible relationship would also be extended to the dioceses of Southern Malawi and that of Tete/Libombo and their respective Bishops.
The delegation from St Leonard was led by the Parish Priest Reverend Father Andrew Manda and comprised of one member of the Mens guild, Avuwi and four members of the Womens Guild of the Daughters of the King. The delegation’ first point of call was the Consulate of Malawi in Tete for a courtesy call with the Consul General Mr Happy Saka.

The Consul General upon welcoming the delegation commended the route followed by the Church and encouraged them to explore more ways of assisting their Governments in the development process, be it in the educational, health or business sector just to mention a few.
He committed the Consulate to support the agenda that the Anglican Church might want to pursue in this process. He then substantiated the commitment by hosting the delegations meeting with the Bishop of Tete Libombo at the Malawi Official Residence and later, participating in the Sunday Prayers.
Tete /Libombo Diocese was represented by the Lord Bishop Bambo, the Venerated Father Bukutu as well as Mrs Agnes Sande, the Catechist and President of Mothers Union.
Sunday service was concluded by meetings of the Women folk with Members of the Daughters of the King who shared their line of work in Church as consisting of three pillars namely Prayer, Service and Evangelism. This was well received being digested by women who might want to join and be the pioneers as the Guild has not yet reached Tete Province.
The men in the Church also had the occasion to exchange with the representative of Avuwi.
The Anglican delegation is the third church group to be hosted by Consul General Happy Saka in the one year that he has been in post. He previously hosted the Presybetarians and the Living Waters Churches.