Zomba’s Nalikukuta primary school win DRM quiz competition

Reported by Solister Mogha
Nalikukuta primary school in Zomba Wednesday won the Disater Risk Management quiz competition organised by the district disaster office beating three other schools.
As part of increasing disaster knowledge among learners , the Zomba disater office with funding from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organised quiz competition in four primary schools of Ulumba, Likangala , Chinkhwangwa and Nalikukuta.

During the quiz ceremony, learners were asked on number of issues regarding disaster, the disaster cycle and how they can avert disastrous situations.
Nalikukuta primary school scoped 4 points against Ulumba 3 points in the final and last round of the quiz competition.
Zomba district Disaster Risk Management Officer, Walusungu Mwafulirwa said the main objective of the quiz competition was to raise awareness and improve on disaster knowledge of learners while also making them resilient.
Mwafulirwa said, through quiz, leaners are encourage to read and research a lot and through that, increase their knowledge on disaster.
He said despite targeting only four schools, plans are underway to extend the quiz and disaster clubs to all schools in the district.
Mathews Elias, Primary School Education Advisor for St Paul Zone commended the disaster office for organising the quiz competition which he said helped learners scout for information and that way, improve on their reading culture .