ACB should explain on whereabouts of 13 files

By Sylvester Chibwana
It looks Anti Corruption Bureau Director General can do other equally important roles than the current role she is playing at ACB.
In 2022, Malawi President Dr Lazarus Chakwera expressed concern and lamented growing tendancy of selective justice in dealing with corruption.
Chakwera wondered whereabouts of names involved in previous corrupt scandals.
Perhaps Anti Corruption Bureau Director General Martha Chizuma has forgotten his role.

During the Peter Mutharika administration National Audit Office (NAO) submitted 13
files related to the pilferage of public funds
following the report, prepared after the findings by the business advisory firm
Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) titled Financial Analysis Report: Reconstruction of the Malawi Government Cashbook for Purposes of Further Investigation.
The files which were submitted to graft-busting body the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) indicated that ‘fish rots from head to down’.
DPP senior Government officials linked to the former ruling party were the ones mentioned in the scam. Malawians need to know how far did these 13 files go.
The well known fact is that corruption is corruption whether old or new. Let ACB finish cases surrounding 13 files.
It is believed that seven senior cabinet ministers in the Peter Mutharika Government were mentioned to have taken a key role in DPP-era Cashgate-the
plunder of K577 billion of public funds the forensic audit for the period 2005 to 2014 indicates.