
Dzaleka Refugee Camp Under Bomb Attack

By Staff Reporter

What was going to be a normal and quite night on the night of 14 December, as usual, at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi which houses thousands of immigrants running away from war zones in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Somalia, Burundi and other countries ended in brutal blood shed.

Four people have been injured following a grenade bomb explosion at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa District around 8pm

Dowa Police Spokesperson Gladson M’bumpha confirmed this gruesome incident. He reported that the injured were quickly rushed rushed to Dowa District Hospital for treatment.

According to M’bumpha,bthe Malawi Government the Police service has launched an investigation into the matter in order to establish what might be happening as no any refugees or any persons are authorised to keep such military grade ammunitions.

Some political analysts have characterized the bomb explosion as a deliberate ploy to stop government from moving back into the camp all refugees that have settled in other residential areas especially in Lilongwe city and other districts in the central region. Recently Government announced that it would be searching and relocating the refugees back to camp.

Others have associated the bomb attack as extension of ethnic violence from the war tone countries. Recently there has been ethnic riots of Rwandan Tutsi and Hutu at the camp where they have been killing each other based on conflicts back home.


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