
Saulos Chilima, we love you but where is the 30 day amnesty you promised? Say something please

By Madando a Malawi

“Aliyese amene akudziwa kuti anaba ndalama zaboma , ife tikangowina , mukupatsidwa masiku 30 – mukabweze nokha zomwe munaba. Ngati simudzabweza  mu masiku 30 amenewo ife tidzkumangani”

I Madando a Malawi I am back . I have been quiet  the past few weeks , not out of my will but sometimes taking time to get to grasps with all the conspiracy theories about the Covid19 vaccine can be brain draining. Anyway I will take the vaccine , after all President Chakwera and his Vice Saulos Chilima have led the nation, so who am I to do the opposite?. It has been a crazy week , not because Mother Madando has been spotted bracing the rains  in a far away land of Nottingham United Kingdom –  I think that could be the story of another day.

I have followed Malawi politics from the days of Kamuzu. I have seen Malawians  getting used to life in a multiparty democracy . I have seen the nation opening their eyes to spot  lies from politicians. I have also seen the same Malawians punishing politicians that tried to play a clever game thinking Malawians  can be easily hoodwinked With empty promises.  Remember Bakili Muluzi? the king of political promises? Well, what Bakili  did with his ridiculous promises like promising shoes to every Malawian , only achieved  providing a vital lesson  to people that politicians can lie and they should never be trusted. This is why , I have decided to say something today .I am getting worried . I love our vice president Saulos Chilima, a brilliant young man who has already achieved so much   at his age . On top of that he has a large following which gives him potential to thrive  politically In future.

Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima

I followed the election campaign keenly. I am not one who get carried away by the number of people attending a political meeting or the decorations  and stuff. I sit down and listen to what the politicians  are saying . Come Saulos Chilima, the master orator whose speeches  are not just emotional but resonates with the needs of Malawians  “ Ndikulonjeza a Malawi, mbava zimenezi za DPP- Aliyese amene akudziwa kuti anaba ndalama zaboma , ife tikangowina , mukupatsidwa masiku 30 – mukabweze nokha zomwe munaba. Ngati simudzabweza  mu masiku 30 amenewo ife tidzkumangani” again and again repeated the highly charged Chilima that if Tonse Alliance wins , they will give  all those who amassed riches through corrupt means to voluntarily surrender  what they stole from the government otherwise they will face prosecution.  Everybody was excited, I was excited as it was no secret at the time that Peter Mutharika and his cronies has amassed unexplained wealth  and it will be good if these people return the money to the government. Like many Malawians I found myself agreeing that Chilima ndi mfana oganiza bo!

Well, let me not waste your time , but 8 months on , Tonse is in power no such thing as a 30 day amnesty has happened.    The only high profile person from the DPP regime facing prosecution is Norman Chisale  and even him, his case if far from over. We have the usual suspects in Gertrude Mutharika and her son Tadikila still enjoying life  and the riches that they accumulated  without proper means. We have the Ben Phiri’s and many others who instantly became filthy rich , still enjoying their normal lives. Where is the 30 day amnesty many have asked ? well , who dares ask that, after all chilima is the golden boy who does no wrong, says his dedicated supporters who will do  their best to use social media to discredit  anyone who dare  question Mfana oganiza bho.

I really hope Chilima just like any other politician should be accountable to Malawians . I know , the man can talk  and I love watching his interviews. Can he please tell us what happened to the 30 day amnesty he promised to Malawians ? We are still waiting



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